Bohumír Hlaváček
7. 4. 2021
Michal Virt
7. 4. 2021
KUBERNETES - DEPLOYMENT OF CLOUD NATIVE APPLICATIONS - Excellent lecture, but it wants to choose a quality presentation platform. The age of blurred images is long gone. Michal Virt, (Service owner), Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Jakub Slatinský
7. 4. 2021
KUBERNETES - DEPLOYING CLOUD NATIVE APPLICATIONS - A wonderful introduction to Cloud Native applications, ideal for beginners. Jakub Slatinský, (DevOps Engineer), Deutsche Boerse Services
Ladislav Michnovic
31. 3. 2021
CONFLUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - FROM DATA THROUGH INFORMATION TO WISDOM AND POSSIBLE FURTHER - Pleasantly processed, interesting theoretical introduction. I acknowledge that he has reserved up to 30 minutes for presenters to ask questions and answers. Ladislav Michnovic, (sw enginner), Oracle Netsuite
Marcela Furyová
31. 3. 2021
CONFLUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - FROM DATA THROUGH INFORMATION TO WISDOM AND possibly FURTHER - An excellent introduction to the general rules of knowledge management. Using the most sophisticated macros in Confluence is useless if it does not contain sophisticated information at the same time. Marcela Furyová, (Atlassian Administrator), Hello bank
Kateřina Růžičková
25. 3. 2021
IT BEZPEČNOST V CLOUDU - Skvělý přehledový souhrn problematiky. Kateřina Růžičková, (Akademický pracovník), VŠB-TU Ostrava
Petr Hladík
25. 3. 2021
IT SECURITY IN CLOUD - The introduction to the "inconspicuous" topic was given in an excellent and comprehensible way. I recommend it to anyone who is in charge of the IT environment in companies, just to compare their knowledge with the "security standard" of others. Petr Hladík, (IT Support & Programmer), self-employed
Ladislav Michnovic
24. 3. 2021
IT SECURITY IN CLOUD - A nicely and unusually elaborated topic, an interesting different view of the issue. Great presentation timing. Ladislav Michnovic, (SW engineer), Oracle Netsuite
Radim Jablonka
24. 3. 2021
IT SECURITY IN CLOUD - Meeted my expectations. Radim Jablonka, (Cloud Service Delivery Manager), Moneta Money Bank, a.s.
Martin Polák
24. 3. 2021
IT SECURITY IN CLOUD - Very nice workmanship with great added value. Martin Polák, (Linux administrator), Aimtec
Petr Hladík
19. 3. 2021
ENTERPRISE LINUX 8 (RHEL/CENTOS 8) - A gifted lecturer, well and clearly presented (from the point of view of a Windows user from a distance watching the world of Linux). Petr Hladík, (Freelance programmer & IT support), OSVČ
Bohumír Hlaváček
18. 3. 2021
ENTERPRISE LINUX 8 (RHEL/CENTOS 8) - Excellent lecturer and Morning Talk. Bohumír Hlaváček, (adm), FS CODES