Tomas Knopp
12. 4. 2023
IT SYSTEM LIFE CYCLE AUTOMATION USING FOREMAN/ANSIBLE - The organization and content of MT presented by Datascript is famous in IT in the Czech IT world, and it is great that you allow a quick insight into topics that we might otherwise miss. Tomas Knopp (IT Manager), Popron Systems
Jiří Novák
29. 3. 2023
NEURON NETWORKS AND HOW ALGORITHMS SEE AND READ - The presenter had good communication skills. Jiří Novák (Ruby Developer), Virtualmaster s.r.o.
Martin Adamec
29. 3. 2023
NEURON NETWORKS AND HOW ALGORITHMS SEE AND READ - It was clear that the lecturer understands the issue in depth, and is also able to pass on his knowledge. Martin Adamec (Junior Programmer), ZAT a.s.
Michal Šika
29. 3. 2023
NEURON NETWORKS AND HOW ALGORITHMS SEE AND READ - Excellent expert knowledge of the lecturer. A profitable course that will broaden your horizons. Michal Šika (DB administrator), SPCSS s.p.
Petr Sobotka
29. 3. 2023
NEURON NETWORKS AND HOW ALGORITHMS SEE AND READ - Nicely presented explanation of the basics and ways of using neural networks, with a comparison with other Data Science methods. Petr Sobotka (CTO), KOMIX s.r.o.
Michal ŠikA
22. 3. 2023
SYSTEM DESIGN ON A SOLID BASE - Beneficial broadening of horizons. The lecturer was at a high level and knew what he was talking about. Michal Šika (DB Administrator), SPCSS s.p.
Milan Fábik
20. 3. 2023
NETWORK LAYER IN KUBERNETES - It was a well-prepared presentation, I'm glad I could be a part of this event. Milan Fábik (IT and project manager, software development, IT/business consultant)
Pavel Lstiburek
8. 3. 2023
APACHE KAFKA IN MICROSERVICE BASED APPLICATIONS - Basic principles of use and limitations of the technology explained in great detail. Pavel Lstiburek (architect), Business systems, a.s.
Miroslav Maiksnar
8. 3. 2023
APACHE KAFKA IN APPLICATIONS BASED ON MICROSERVICES - Everyone who knows Pavel Tišnovský knows that his name is a guarantee of quality content. This morning talk confirms it. Miroslav Maiksnar (Microservices Architect), T-Mobile CZ
Jiří Kašpar
8. 3. 2023
APACHE KAFKA IN MICROSERVICE BASED APPLICATIONS - Thanks for the practical talk. Jiří Kašpar (Microservices Architect), ICZ
Lenka Janeckova
21. 2. 2023
MICROSERVICES PATTERNS AND THEIR APPLICATION IN PRACTICE - I don't encounter the topic of Microservices much in practice, but Morning Talk helped me understand some basic intricacies of solutions that build on the world I know. I will certainly appreciate this in future architectural discussions during Impact Analyses and redesigns of current solutions. Lenka Janeckova (DWH analyst guarantor), Raiffeisenbank
Vladimir Kufner
21. 2. 2023
MICROSERVICES PATTERNS AND THEIR APPLICATION IN PRACTICE - I appreciated the obvious experience that the lecturer has and the ability to give concrete examples of implementations in well-known companies. I especially appreciated the coverage of the architecture (data, applications) and the explanation of the different methods and approaches presented, firstly in the functional decomposition from monolith to microservices and secondly in the methods used in data migration. Vladimir Kufner (DevSecOps chapter lead), TMCZ