AWS Certifications
Zdroj: AWS Certifications
Certification Exam Vouchers
AWS Training and Certification chose the Xvoucher platform to provide customers and exam candidates with a centralized, self-service portal to efficiently purchase, distribute, track, and manage vouchers valid for all AWS Certification exams.
Available for purchase by certification level, these vouchers are redeemable for scheduling AWS Certification exams. AWS offers role-based certifications to validate expertise for those in cloud practitioner, architect, developer and operations roles, plus specialty certifications to validate advanced skills in specific technical areas. Learn more about AWS exams by viewing the learning paths, or browse the AWS exam preparation resources.
Approved AWS Certification Testing Provider
Pearson VUE
From online practice tests to high-stakes, proctored exams that require the industry’s most secure testing environments, Pearson VUE is the leader in computer-based testing — and much more. See all available Pearson VUE testing centers here. Review the AWS Certification testing options to confirm which test delivery provider best addresses your needs.